Buddhist Walking Meditations to Be Here, Now

This Exercise Uses the Following Wisdom Skills

Stub only: One-Pointed Meditation
Intro written: Nonattachment
Intro written: Enhance All of Life with Inner Silence
Intro written: Be Present and Mindful about Your Reality
Stub only: Relaxing Mental Focus
Stub only: Change Your Consciousness While Active
Stub only: Guidelines

Exercise Details

Duration = 20 minutes.
Difficulty = 70/100.

Use This Exercise:

  1. To be more in your body and less in your head.
  2. When you want to fully understand how your mind works when it is controlling your body.
  3. When you want to learn to use your body without creating attachment, for instance by being more in touch with your power to create tranquility in life through the way you operate.
Image courtesy of: Michael Chambers, Melbourne, Vic, Australia || Original Image || SXC profile